Tuesday, November 29, 2011

thought no. 87

Here's an easy anti-rape campaign: Guys, when someone asks, "Would you fuck her?", respond "If she's willing".

See what I did there?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

thought no. 86

We need a law that says if you see someone driving like an idiot, you can photograph it, send it to the cops, and they'll get a ticket, or at least a hassle of some sort. I had this thought after having a guy in front of me come to a complete halt in the HOV lane so he could squeeze out and get off at a non-authorized exit.

Friday, November 18, 2011

thought no. 85

As long as we're talking about "entitlements" for old people, sick people, and the poor, let's talk about corporations as well, who seem to believe that they are entitled to not only make the same profits as last year, but to better them.

thought no. 84

The reason that Republicans are having so many debates, when in the past you could barely get them to have more than a couple, is so that the MSM reports almost continuously on the GOP and their ideas about how things should be. This gives the illusion that they hold the mainstream opinion, however whacked out it may be, simply by being broadcast and printed almost 24/7.

thought no. 83

In any group, there is always a 1% who screw it up for the rest of us.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

thought no. 82

Republicans are always talking about how "entitlements" need to be cut, which of course means money given to people they consider to be unworthy. How about someone talks about the way that corporations seem to feel entitled, even in hard economic times, to the same profits that they made in the good times? If workers are going to give up something, so should employers.

Monday, November 14, 2011

thought no. 81

Sometimes I wonder if the American obesity problem is a reaction to an instinctive feeling that lean times are a'coming. I mean, no one is going to be starving*, but I'd be interested to know if there's a connection/correlation between weight gain and economy downturns.

* one hopes

Friday, November 11, 2011

thought no. 80

The huge increase in the wealth of the top earners of the nation is reasonable only if you consider working Americans to be lazy and our current generation of "leaders" to have been extraordinary.

Any takers?

thought no. 79

Here's the problem with education in America:

It has gone from being thought of as something you achieve to being something you have done to you.

thought no. 78

Let's review this idea that government should be run like a business:

in a democracy, one person = one vote

in a corporation, one share = one vote

Beware of millionaires who want America run like a business, because guess who'll image they have a bigger say in how things are done.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

thought no. 77

If churches want to strengthen marriage, they should try insisting that wedding bands be tatooed, rather than gold.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

thought no. 77

An organization which has ceased to care what the public thinks is an organization with too much power.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

thought no. 76

Nobody expects the world to end in a nuclear holocaust anymore, and yet the future doesnt look half so bright as it did back in the early 80s. If you grew up in the 70s or 80s, you know what I mean.