Friday, July 29, 2011

thought no. 23

If you ask a Christian about God, he will tell you that God is both omnipotent and omniscient. He will then tell you that in order to please this all-encompassing God, you must walk a path that is straight and narrow and that you must walk that path without any deviation.
He will also tell you that, amazingly enough, he walks that exact correct path out of all the myriad of paths the world has to offer. (Lucky him!)

If there is any reason to mock Christians*, it is not the sentiments or morals contained in their basic religion. It is instead the astonishing idea that they have of placing an all-powerful, all-seeing superbeing into a tiny, narrow box made of belief, then having the gall to try and force others to "believe" the same way.

* Or, for that matter, any religious folk

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