Saturday, August 6, 2011

thought no. 31

Man, I wish I had thought of this one, but I didn't, so I've got to give credit to Ed, while the only credit I can give myself is the ability to recognize the validity of the thought (which, considering American politics these days, is actually still at a much higher intellectual level than most of my fellow citizens).
Here's the thought: basically, ask most people, including conservatives, why the Soviet Union fell and, after singing the praises of Saint Ronnie for a while, will eventually tell you that it was because our arms race bankrupted Russia*. Huzzah!
Then we turn to the U.S. where one quarter of our nation's budget goes towards the military and we're cutting money for infrastructure, services and health and welfare for the sick and old, all in an effort to let our wealthiest citizens maintain private jets and multiple homes to fly those jets between**.
Anyway, I just love the irony of us destroying ourselves in the same manner which our old enemies did, right down to a costly and soul-destroying war in Afghanistan. It'd be funnier if I didn't have children.

* Oh, and because capitalism rawks, dude, and socialism blows, doncha know.
** very handily encapsulating soviet history both before and after the collapse of the Union.

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